Last year I began writing about the downfall of Gor and posted 2 articles I had written between 1998 and 2000 and also how those words held true today. Over the past few months I have seen many things which have only served to add to the downfall of online Gor. As a matter of fact, this past week alone I had seen one Free Person shelve because of an incident and a bounty from a Home he left, one slave shelve while in captivity because she did not like how the roleplay turned out. And just earlier this day a Free was lambasted by a slave because the Free did not respect the slave's OOC wishes to not be collared. Now, ladies and gentlemen, I am here today to say that when we ALL, whethwer we play a Free or a slave, put in our HTML codes and hit the little Submit button, we enter one world and leave the other behind. Yes, that even includes RT emotional baggage. Only when we do that we can put our TOTAL FOCUS AND ENERGY into the persona we created. to make a comparison to such, allow me to draw from something I had seen firsthand. My roommate had come home from a hard day at work and when he enters the gate surrounding our property he comes home to unwind from the stress his job brings, but there had been some days in which he comes home and he is so stressed out it is like he is bringing his work home with him. One thing I told my roommate is that I do not care what happens on the other side of the gate because I am only concerned with the plot of land that my house is on and the people inside it. We come to Gor pretty much to unwind from the stress RT brings, but there are some people who bring the stress from RT into the roleplay. Now I admit I had done the same thing on occasion, but it is very rarely and even then if it gets to be too much I step away from the computer and calm down. When I come to Gor I do not worry about how things are RT from the time I hit the enter key (or submit button) until the time I leave the room or log off of Gor for the night because I focus ALL OF MY TIME AND ENERGY into my roleplay and to the personna I created. In my opinion, Gor started declining to the mess it is in now because people rely too much (and also play) on RT emotions more than the roleplay itself and how it turns out. I currently have 2 slaves in my personal steel who are damned good roleplayers in their own rights. Now occasionally they do something to upset me and I had to punish them, but they know that it is all a part of life on Gor and as such they accept their part in life as slaves. All I am saying is that we should worry about roleplaying our personnas to the best of our abilities and not bring RT emotions into play too much as when we bring RT emotions too much into the roleplay, then in my opinion we lose focus as to what Gor is really all about.
The words I share here are my own opinions. If you feel different and wish to speak with me on this, feel free to ping me on my Messenger services or in an email. I am ALWAYS up to and open for good ADULT discussions which do not degenerate into the arguing and backbiting I see nowadays. Let us settle the differences like the rational, calm adults we are.
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