With all the discussions on the boards lately, I went into the stacks of Marcus of Ar and he had written a nice dissertation on message boards and what the real power in online Gor is
I was recently told that the corkboards and message boards “are the real power in online Gor.”
I was then immediately reminded of the following passage from the Gor books:
“Those who control the public boards, it is said, control the city. But I was not sure of this. Goreans are not stupid. It is difficult to fool them more than once. They tend to remember,:
Tarl Cabot, pg. 488-489, Magicians of Gor
If one is referring to “online Gor,” perhaps attitudes and opinions can be shaped by those who control such boards. But how much power do such boards really wield? The only “power” to be found online is the power of agreement, of consensus, and in order to with that one must have decent, intelligent, and relatively insightful thoughts, and simply get them out in public for people to consider. But is that “power”? And does it lie in the hands of those who own and moderate such message boards? Is that a true statement?
Ugh. If so, then online Gorean interaction has reached an all-new low, in my opinion.
But it ISN’T true. Nor is any such power in the hands of the owners of such message boards. The only thing that such a message board can do is provide a medium where like-minded people can post their thoughts and musings. If those thoughts and musings are intelligent and well-stated, and entertaining, then people will undoubtedly read and enjoy them. Whoopee! And if those thoughts are simply the same people posting the same things over and over, no one will bother to keep reading.
“Power?” Ridiculous. It is almost as if some who log online under a Gorean guise wish to practice some odd experiment in Gorean “mind-control.” But that doesn’t work. Because people have the wonderful tendency to think for themselves. All anyone can try to do is state one’s argument clearly and relatively inoffensively, and attempt thereby to share one’s opinions with others. And in that, all are equal. No individual’s words carry more weight than anyone else’s, unless he has gained a reputation as being an honest and straightforward kind of person, who knows a lot about what he happens to be talking about.
How can one amass such a reputation?
Well, you can always try being an honest and straightforward kind of person, who knows a lot about what he happens to be talking about. That seems to work pretty well, from what I have seen.
All too often we see words and posts on the board that are bashing and condescending. Let us try to be honest and straightforward in all we say and in doing so try to bring Gor out of the doldrums that it is in now.
1 comment:
Well your all caps title caught my attention but not just that your name alone as we are friends and have spoken on many occasions about this topic. Perhaps I was the cause of this blog entry its hard to say for sure *giggles*. At first when I saw the topic I was thinking oh no.. but when I actually read what you had to say I was surprised. Not only was it not the answer that was in the back of my mind it actually made sense. I was totally going to think you were going to say that the slave controlled today's Gor cause that's what it seemed like to me. Here is why I think this and of course Gor can ignore it as I'm a woman to begin with but here is my two cents anyway. A uncollared slave can sit in a empty room it doesn't matter which one but the more public ones are the better choices to prove my point. Like the crossroads is a good one. It doesn't take long for a Master of Gor to come running to claim her. *grins*. If she decides He is worth her time she can stay in that room and allow capture depending on Who it is she might tease them along long enough to "waste" time on her. The slave is captured and now its time to take the new prize Home to brand her (if she makes it through the room travel that is) now the kicker for her to actually show up the next day which in my experience as a FW and as FC to a Leader of a Home, (Former as I am no longer) this happens about 90% of the time unless of course you happen to get a msn out of the whole ordeal just to make sure the girl is actually going to commit. I've seen it time and time and time again where the Gorean Master is more active when there is "fresh" meat so to speak then when there is none. Take this for what it is a view of things from a former Gorean Woman who also was a slave for many years before that.
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