Sunday, November 1, 2009


In the last blog entry, I brought up what Marcus said about the Philosophy of Gor and what it is. He also wrote an entry on the ten irrefutable dicta of the Gorean Philosophy. This is a continuation of what the Gorean philosophy is and it is my hope that we take all of this to heart and learn to try to apply both to our lives in Gor.



“Had not the writings of the ancients lingered on

but faded with the years,

What trace would not remain to tell us of our past?

To tell us what we were, and are?”

The following is a list of the ten primary dicta, or explanatory statements, of the “Gorean Philosophy",” as I see it. You will note there is no reference to the practice of slavery among them. That is because the practice of slavery is not a primary pillar of the Gorean philosophy; rather it is a social practice which has come into being on Gor as a result of the adherence of Goreans to the basic concepts explained below.

Nor is the word “honor” used. That is because honor is also a concept and practice which has developed among the Goreans as a result of the application of the dicta below, notably the fifth and sixth dictums.

I add that, to the typical inhabitant of the world of Gor,  the concepts expressed below would be so self-evident they wouldn’t even bother to name or define them at all. They would simply practice them, as the Gor books tell us they do. The “Ten Dicta” below have been compiled purely for the benefit of the inhabitants of Earth, who, bereft of the supporting mechanism of Gorean society, are left to fumble through the murky landscape of Earth, attempting to find such rules and concepts to use as guideposts as they attempt to glean the truths of Gorean existence for themselves.

Please note that accepting these dicta do not automatically make one “Gorean.” There are, undoubtedly, quite a few people out there who do accept these concepts in some way, shape, or form, who have never even heard of “Gor” and who have no idea that the Gorean Philosophy even exists. Also, one might embrace these dicta while refusing to acknowledge the other elements which combine to comprise the Gorean Philosophy in its entirety, in which case, again, one is not getting the whole picture. However, in my opinion, the refusal to accept and embrace the dicta listed below Do make a person absolutely NOT Gorean.

So, if one wished to be Gorean, or to understand what it means to be Gorean, one might do well to examine the ideas expressed below and decide whether or not one agrees with them.

All of the concepts below, with the exception of the tenth, are distilled almost entirely form the words of Tarl Cabot, in his description of the manner in which Goreans think. The tenth one is simply and categorically self-evident.

The First Dictum

We are all creatures formed from nature, and are therefore subject to the truths of what it has made of us. This cannot be denied.

The Second Dictum

We are all part of our world, and the natural forces which made it. We are not apart from it, nor are we above it, nor can we deny its power over us. It is folly to attempt to change what cannot be changed, or to refuse to acknowledge the power which nature has over us. This cannot be denied.

The Third Dictum

The two sexes, male and female, are equal parts of the same great whole which is the human race. Equal, but separate, each bound to perform the function which it has evolved into through the course of time. This cannot be denied.

The Fourth Dictum

The greatest division which comes between human beings is the division of sex. Race, creec, nationality… all pale to insignificance when compared to the difference between the two sexes. This cannot be denied.

The Fifth Dictum

The highest devotion is the devotion to truth. The most beneficial acceptance is the acceptance of what is true. The most foolish and damaging act one can perform is the denial of what is true. Such denial is the wellspring from which the ravages of discontent emerge. This cannot be denied

The Sixth Dictum

Conflict, argument, and clannishness are all fundamental parts of out human nature. Left to their own devices, such things result in stagnation and destruction. But when understood and harnessed in the service of the greater good, they can be a positive force for personal growth and development. This cannot be denied.

The Seventh Dictum

In matters of physical strength. the human male is naturally equipped by nature to function at a higher level of efficiency than the human female. In matters of emotional sensitivity and the innate desire to care for and nurture those she loves, the human female is naturally equipped by nature to function at a higher level of efficiency than the human male. The human male is programmed to protect and direct his femal counterparts. The human female is programmed to aid and care for her male counterparts. The members of each sex are more fulfilled when they accept here own nature, rather than denying it. This cannot be denied.

The Eighth Dictum

All creatures will naturally behave according to their inherent nature. To do otherwise is the first step toward emotional and biological suicide. This cannot be denied.

The Ninth Dictum

Human society, like the natural order, will naturally structure itself along certain lines of precedence. The stronger and more able elements of human society will naturally rise to a position of superiority over the less dominant elements of society.The protectors and providers will naturally protect and provide, and the nurturers and care givers will naturally nurture and give care. Any artificial manipulation of the natural structure of a society, which is not according to its natural propensities, will eventually result in a society which is far less efficient and fulfilling than its natural counterpart. This cannot be denied.

The Tenth Dictum

The Gorean societal model is based upon specific guidelines set forth by John Norman in the books which he authored regarding the fictional planet Gor. Unless it conforms to, or agrees with, those basic guidelines, a thing cannot be considered “Gorean” in any sense of the word. This cannot be denied.

It cannot be denied that the Gorean Philosophy has been defined and explained well in two consecutive blog entries. Further, it cannot be denied (at least by me) that these philosophies are in each one of us who roleplay in this Gorean world. May we try to apply these philosophies in our daily walk in Gor.

1 comment:

Chris said...

If I may I'd like to point out some problems with the dicta.

The Second Dictum

It is folly to attempt to change what cannot be changed, or to refuse to acknowledge the power which nature has over us.

[How do we know what 'cannot' be changed until we try to change it? This would seem to raise issues of academic freedom].

The Fourth Dictum

The greatest division which comes between human beings is the division of sex. Race, creec, nationality… all pale to insignificance when compared to the difference between the two sexes.

[Since the differences between cultures can be extreme I find this dicta a puzzle. For example how does the cultural differences between a kalahari bushman & a western European pail into insignificance compared to those between a male and female west European?]

The Fifth Dictum

The highest devotion is the devotion to truth. The most beneficial acceptance is the acceptance of what is true. The most foolish and damaging act one can perform is the denial of what is true.

[What about plato's concept of the noble lie? E.g. You are on Gor when the caravan, in which you are travelling is attacked by bandits. One of the bandits & several of the guards are killed. The chief of the bandits comes to you and demands to know who killed his fellow bandit. He stresses that if you refuse to answer then everyone in the caravan dies but if you tell him what he wishes to know then only the guilty party will be killed. You have 3 choices:
1) Refuse to answer anyway & everyone dies.
2) Point out the guard who was trying to protect the caravan & actually shot the bandit.
3) Point to one of the dead guards & say "he did it!"

If you choose 3 then truth cannot be the highest devotion].

The Seventh Dictum

The human male is programmed to protect and direct his femal counterparts. The human female is programmed to aid and care for her male counterparts. The members of each sex are more fulfilled when they accept here own nature, rather than denying it. This cannot be denied.

[In my opinion this dicta claims too much. If we are programmed to perform certain types of behaviour then we are merely a biological computer and must obey our programming. If that is the case then how do we explain the people who seem to have no problem disregarding this programming. E.g. Homosexuals, those who are trangendered, etc].

The Eighth Dictum

All creatures will naturally behave according to their inherent nature. To do otherwise is the first step toward emotional and biological suicide. This cannot be denied.

[Such an inherent nature would have to be defined very carefully in order to avoid abuse of this dicta. The history of the world is full of people claiming superiority over others due to their inherent nature. E.g. Aristocrats over commoners, caucasians over negroes, civilised over uncivilised, etc].

Please don't get me wrong. I am not arguing against the Gorean principles you've set forth but asking for clarification & pointing out potential problems. I would be most interested in your reply. Thank you